Monday, January 21, 2008

Lower mortgage rates this week

Hello Michigan,

Many people do not follow the mortgage market. Here is the latest update. Mortgage rates for 30 year fixed mortgages have dropped below 6% in the last few weeks. The people that this might be good for:

For people with adjustable rate mortgages this may be an opportunity for you to refinance and lock in a fixed rate. It may even pay to lock in a rate now if you are a year or two out.

For people who bought a home last year, mortgage rates are much lower right now. If you put money down you may be able to refinance and save money. You can even do a no-cost loan and save a substantial amount of money over the 30 years. It may not cost you a dime.
If you want to find out how much you can save or whether you can refinance to a lower rate feel free to call me on my cell at (313) 310-9855 or email me at Feel free to visit my website at for more mortgage information, or credit scores, credit info.

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