Monday, February 4, 2008

Should I refinance part 2

So you are thinking about refinancing. If you are in a fixed mortgage and have been in the mortgage for 3 or 4 years it may not make sense to refinance.

You have to work the numbers. Lets say you are going to save $50 a month, it is a no-closing cost loan, and you have been in your other mortgage for 4 years. So what you do is multiply your mortgage savings a month by the number of months left. So 26 years times 12 months a year times $50= $15,600 savings

But you are going to have a $200,000 at 5.75% and now you are back to 30 years. You have 4 extra years of mortgage. So what you do is multiply $200,000 times .0575 times 4 years= 46,000 in interest costs.

So sure you are saving $50 a month but you are adding on 4 years and $46,000 in interest.
That doesn't make sense financially.

If you live in Michigan and want to find out if refinancing is good for you email me at For more Michigan mortgage articles and mortgage info feel free to go to my website

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